TREW PodCast – Secrets to SI Growth

Our own Jack Barber was recently featured on a podcast by TREW Marketing, who helps engineering and technical companies elevate their brands, engage with their audiences, and generate new opportunities. Wendy Covey and Jack talked about the importance of focusing on specific niches and differentiating yourself in the market. SIs oftentimes fall in the trap of saying they “do it all” which can leave potential buyers confused about their strengths. We also touched on the discipline it takes to be successful during account management, and the importance of expanding accounts instead of just completing a project and moving on to the next client. Check out the podcast.


  • Focus on specific niches and differentiate yourself in the market to attract clients.
  • Balance business development with project delivery and have discipline in account development.
  • Capture and transfer tribal knowledge from senior employees to younger ones.
  • Create visual content to showcase capabilities and engage clients.
July 17, 2024
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