Talent Strategy Risk Webinar Video and Slides Now Available

For those interested in our webinar on Talent, Strategy, and Risk, here’s links to the recording and slides. Here are some takeaways and additional information:

  • Talent – consider investing in your most important resource … your people.
    • Leadership coaching/mentoring – Leadership coaching and mentoring are individualized processes that builds your leader’s capability to achieve short- and long-term organizational goals. Our coaching is personalized, customized, usually conducted one-on-one for a defined period of time and with a specific business purpose in mind. Our mentoring is longer term, focused on building a relationship designed to provide a sage sounding board for developing leaders.
    • Team Development – Helping your leaders manage projects, group dynamics, lead meetings, and resolve conflicts.
    • Peer Groups – By joining one of our Peer Groups, you and your leadership team can network with senior leadership to have frank discussions on industry issues in a safe, confidential, and supportive environment.
  • Strategy – We facilitate your efforts to make the right choices about your company’s purpose, your customers, your goals, and your resources. It isn’t a single event, but rather an integral part of an on-going process that you review annually, then modify as needed, and use throughout the year to drive your organization forward.
    • Strategic Input – Many of our clients are looking at industry trends as they head into fall planning. So, they invite Exotek to deliver a State of the Industry presentation on the impact and the opportunities for your business.
    • Strategic Facilitation – If you are looking to create or update your strategic plan and want someone to facilitate the process, Exotek is here to help. Many of our clients find managing the process itself as well as participating in that process is often difficult. It can distract you and your leadership team from fully immersing yourselves in the task at hand which is developing and honing the strategic plan itself.
    • Strategic Advisor – If you already have a strategic planning process and are looking for an external perspective from someone with extensive experience in the system integration business to help formulate and validate your plans, ask one of our Management Consultants to join your Strategy Team as an advisor, or even just as sounding board.
  • Risk – don’t forget the importance of corporate risk management. The early-warning systems of America’s corporations have failed them in recent years, not only because companies did not foresee disastrous events, but they weren’t prepared to act when they came upon them.
    • Improving Business Practices – Invest in your business practices to mitigate your risks. Being more prescriptive in ‘saying what you do and doing what you say’ can reduce errors and repeated mistakes.
November 17, 2021
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