Strategic Initiative Survey – Initial Takeaways

Exotek is researching the most common strategic initiatives for systems integrators in our industry for the coming year. Thanks to everyone who has already participated, here are some of our initial takeaways:

  • 100% of respondents cited improving business practices as a strategic initiatives. So, it’s not surprising that they are all CSIA members.
  • 75% responded that attracting and retain people was a top priority. This has been a common topic across all of our peer groups.
  • Expanding into new markets ranked higher than deepening account penetration … although SIs typically rely on repeat business.
  • Strengthening competitive advantage through innovation was also select by half of the respondents
  • The majority of respondent do have a formal strategic planning process, but only half include external advisor to get additional perspective and challenge assumptions.

If you haven’t already, we ask you to complete our short survey (will take you less than a minute to complete). Rest assured that your responses are intended for research purposes only and will be reported and used in aggregate with responses. We will make the collective results available, but individual responses will be kept confidential. As part of our appreciation, you will have the opportunity to receive a copy of Traction by Gino Wickman.

October 27, 2021
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