State of the Industry – Q1-2021

Exotek has posted our Q1-2021 State of Our Industry report in which we consolidate our various sources of information into a single report. We take a look at leading industry indicators including the CEO Confidence Index, Purchasing Managers Index, and CSIA EasyStats. We also review the latest financial releases from the major vendors in our industry include Rockwell, Siemens, NI, and others. We pull all of this information together in a single report for your convenience. Insights include:

  • CEO Confidence continues to climb in January
  • PMI at 58.7% indicating that manufacturing economy continuing its recovery
  • System integrator confidence at 80%
  • Rockwell reporting that recovery is happening at a much faster pace than anticipated to pre-pandemic levels

Since this a relatively new endeavor, we welcome feedback on how useful this report is and what we can do to make it more valuable.

March 3, 2021
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