Evolution of SI Organization – A People Perspective (Video)

Resource Info

File Type: Video

Subject: Business Strategy

Thank you for your interest in our Web Event. As we grow to take on more business and larger projects, so too must strategic planning, our processes, and our people. And, not just the number of people, but our management and leadership of those people. While every business is different, we will review some of the common hurdles to growth and likely evolution of the organization. So, we discuss different approaches, review common pitfalls, and strategies to successfully structure and staff your organization.

Our website has more information about empowering your leaders including self-awareness and development, coaching and mentoring,  team management, and role-based peer groups. If you need our assistance, give us a call. We’re here to listen and help.

As organizations evolve, it involves in three primary areas. Having a plan, the people to fulfill it, and the processes to do so. During each phase, one might require more attention, but in reality, all of these are evolving at the same time.

-Jack Barber, Evolution of a SI Organization – A People Perspective

June 21, 2022
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