New Leadership Development through Coaching and Mentoring

In the wake of the COVID pandemic, our system integration clients are seeing and experiencing a dramatic opportunity for growth. But with every opportunity, there are new challenges. Chief among them in this instance is the necessity to identify and nurture new leaders to rise to the occasion. It is not merely a matter of recognizing the talent and putting them into the appropriate positions. But how we equip them, prepare them, and support them to successfully lead parts of our organization. In this business brief, we will look at the one of the essential elements, providing good leadership coaching and mentoring.

“Everyone needs a coach. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a basketball player, a tennis player, a gymnast or a bridge player.”

-Bill Gates

If you and your emerging leaders are committed to personal development, then Exotek is committed to helping you on your journey. For instance, we have clients asking Exotek to put in place a Coaching/Mentoring program in which executives sponsor the engagement and encourage the leaders to take action to initiate the engagement and actively participate in the process.

July 28, 2021
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