How Self-Reflection Can Make You a Better Leader

In How Self-Reflection Can Make You a Better Leader, Harry Kraemer says crisis management doesn’t requires simply ‘going faster’ but rather self-reflection. Leadership demands periods of restraint and consideration, especially during a crisis. He offers three suggestions:


  • Know your priorities – Self-reflection allows us to understand what is important, and focus on what might be done differently.
  • Minimize surprise – forecast and plan obsessively, accounting for as many scenarios as possible. Preparation can also reducing anxiety about things going wrong.
  • Build stronger teams – Self-reflection’s effects go beyond the self. “If I don’t know myself, is it possible for me to lead myself? If I can’t lead myself, how could I possibly lead other people?”

So, how can we as leaders get ourselves, and our teams, practicing self-reflection? Kraemer is adamant that leaders—and leaders-to-be—carve self-reflection into their daily 15 minute routine. We would also add that investing in self-awareness is essential for solid self-reflection. For more information, see Building a High-Performance Team Starts with Self.

December 10, 2020
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