How NOT to Respond to ‘No’

This article discusses six common mistakes salespeople make when they hear “no” from a prospect. They might take it personally, not understand the reasons for the rejection, and give up too easily or burn a bridge with the prospect. By avoiding these mistakes, you can change your mindset, respond positively to rejection, and even turn it into an opportunity.

  1. Arguing
  2. Pouting
  3. Begging
  4. Bartering
  5. Bridge-burning
  6. Accepting ‘bad yeses’

The old adage of ‘seek first to understand’ comes to mind. Before reacting to a ‘no’, we should first attempt to know why  it is a no, then formulate a strategy to respond, even if it is not to pursue further but lay the groundwork for a ‘yes’ next time.

August 22, 2023
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