Evolving Your SI Organization from a People Perspective

We are looking forward to sharing our expertise learned over many years of working with our clients about the people component of their system integration businesses. Please join us on June 13th, 2024 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM (CT).

As the old adage goes, ‘everything changes, no exceptions.’ And nowhere is this more true than in an SI business. Because, as an organization takes on more business and larger projects, it also needs to scale its talent. And that means not in just pure numbers but also in the management and leadership of the workforce.

In this presentation, you will learn the:
  • Common phases of growth
  • Likely evolution of the company
  • Different approaches, and
  • Common pitfalls

Most importantly, you will explore the best strategies to successfully structure and manage a scaling business. If you are interested in managing growth, people and the business at scale, then this presentation is for you. (Note: There will be time at the end of the meeting to network and brainstorm with other participants via breakout rooms on Zoom.)

Know someone who might be interested in this topic? Invite them along. This Emerging Leaders Special Interest Group meeting is open to all.

About the Speaker
Jack Barber is an independent management consultant with more than 30 years of experience. During his decades-long tenure at National Instruments (NI), Jack’s work included building the system integration business as the NI Partner Program Manager. In service of that role, he focused on NI partners around the world to understand and share best business practices. Currently Jack works with Exotek clients in several areas including assessing and implementing best practices, advising and facilitating strategic planning and execution, improving business practices as well as managing peer groups. As a certified Myers-Briggs professional, Jack also helps clients improve their self-awareness – a foundational element of leadership – and build high performance teams.
June 12, 2024
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