Developing Your Executive Brand

This article offers a 3-step plan to build your executive brand. They assert that without an intentional personal brand, it’s almost impossible to develop an executive presence that allows you to wield influence.

Step No. 1: Figure out where you stand

  • Practice observing yourself through others. Take note of words and phrases people use to describe you, why they come to you for help or advice, and which meetings and conversations you are invited to join.
  • Hold brand discovery conversations. Look back at recent feedback and set up conversations where you solicit actionable advice.
  • Evaluate your results. Watch out for weaknesses masquerading as strengths. Finally, start to distill your findings into a handful of words or phrases.

Step No. 2: Determine how you want to be known

  • Consider everything you learned during your period of reflection. Developing the right presence and brand is often a recalibration rather than a reinvention.
  • Create two shortlists. Use one for the words or phrases that define the brand you aspire to (aspirational brand) and one for the brand you want to avoid (antibrand).
  • Keep these shortlists in mind during your day-to-day. They provide goals and guardrails to guide your decisions and begin to ensure that your presence not only reflects your personal brand but also amplifies it.

Step No. 3: Identify your zone of distinction

  • Your zone of distinction establishes a model of behavior, communication and action that people will recognize as distinctively you.
  • Distill your aspiration and antibrand lists down to a few phrases each, focusing on differentiating factors and avoiding parroting expectations for your role.
  • Consider what the characteristics you highlighted look and feel like in the context of your enterprise. Consider distilling them into a personal brand promise, which expresses the value or experiences to your market.
November 6, 2024
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