CSIA Partner of the Year 2020

May 20, 2020 The Controls System Integrator Association (CSIA) selected Exotek for its prestigious ‘Partner of the Year’ award. Founded in 1994, CSIA is a not-for-profit, global trade association that seeks to advance the industry of control system integration. Control system integrators use their engineering, technical, and business skills to help manufacturers and others automate their industrial equipment and systems. CSIA helps members improve their business skills, provides a forum to share industry expertise, and promotes the benefits of hiring a certified control system integrator. CSIA has over 500 member companies in 35 countries.

Partner of the Year Award

This award recognizes a Partner Member Company that has participated significantly in the advancement of the control system integrator association and profession.

  • Significant contribution of resources for the betterment of CSIA and its members
  • Works with CSIA to improve interactions with its members, such as making CSIA certification mandatory for top levels in their program, collecting Certified vs. non-Certified statistics in conjunction with CSIA, and making significant improvements in their SI Partner Programs based on CSIA input
  • Major contribution to the achievement of CSIA strategic plans and or organizational improvement
  • Outstanding contributions in time, effort and quality deliverables
  • Significant contributions based on their sponsorship
  • Significant contributions toward the advancement and recognition of CSIA within the end-user community

Nomination Comments

“A foundational philosophical element of CSIA has been to help improve system integration businesses. The Best Practices and Benchmarks manual is one obvious example. Another is the practical implementation of the lessons being shared in that manual. Exotek has been instrumental in helping our member companies develop tools, structure, and culture necessary for implementing these Best Practices. The insight that Exotek is able to bring to companies has been so impressive. Whether struggling with one aspect of their business or seeking guidance on broad goals, Exotek combines their decades of experience with system integration businesses to offer valuable recommendations and relevant advice. This one CSIA partner member has influenced the lives of so many CSIA business owners and I am extremely proud to recommend them for this award.”

Jim Campbell, Viewpoint Systems

“Exotek is one of CSIA’s primary voices and channels. They work diligently to communicate the value of Best Practices and Certification, as well as CSIA overall. Their audit and consulting work truly raise the professionalism of the individual system integrators, which in turn raises the professionalism of our industry. Exotek and their people are truly the unsung heroes of the system integrator industry.”

PC Romano, AVID Solutions

Exotek and CSIA

As Don Roberts, Exotek Principal and Founder, noted in his acceptance, “It is a great honor to receive this recognition and as great as it is the real reward we have received is the opportunity to work with some fantastic people.

This word cloud captures many of the areas the Exotek team has both contributed to and received benefit from our participation. While a lot of CSIA members might think of us only as the auditors, there are a lot of other areas in which we have participated including presentations, committees, white papers, strategy, and task forces.

Exotek CSIA Word Cloud

Since attending our first conference in 1999 in Clearwater FL, we have been avid supporters of CSIA and through activities such as audits and speaking engagements, we have helped grow the association to have a significant global influence. The map shows the locations we have been with CSIA. Many of those locations represent companies that we continue to do work with both directly and in support of CSIA.

North America

About Exotek

Exotek LLC formed in 1997 in response to a request made by a major automation equipment manufacturer to help them grow and manage their systems integration channel and because integrators wanted management assistance. Our team brings knowledge from direct hands-on experience in engineering and control automation. Our consultants have owned integration firms, delivered large-scale projects, and managed successful companies. We focus exclusively on systems integration for the control, test, and automation industry. Our clients are passionate about technical solutions to their clients’ challenges as well as growth-minded searching for methods to building their business effectively. We serve clients around the world who want to improve their business, so we can have a real impact on achieving their goals and dreams.

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