CSIA and ISO Certifications

As the founding CSIA (Control Systems Integrator Association) auditing firm that has performed hundreds of CSIA audits to date, Exotek is often asked about the similarities and differences between CSIA and ISO certification. In this business brief, we will not only compare and contrast these two industry standards but discuss the respective processes and reasons for needing either or both.

Ultimately, achieving either of these certifications is about improving your business practices. And with our depth of experience, Exotek is undoubtedly the best resource to help you benchmark your current business practices and give you objective feedback and advice about how you compare to industry standards, stack up with your competitors … where you are doing well and how can you improve. Then, we can recommend and help you implement and improve those practices. So, give us a call. We are ready to help!

February 14, 2024
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