Autoware Meets CSIA Certification Requirements for Fourth Time

April 4, 2023 (Vicenza, Italy) – As the founding auditing firm that has performed the most CSIA audits around the world, we can confirm that Autoware S.R.L. has met the audit requirements established by the Control System Integrators Association for the fourth time.

“Autoware has embraced the spirit of CSIA and the intent of the Best Practices as evidenced by their continuous improvement even through the trying times of a pandemic,” commented Don Roberts, the Exotek Auditor.  “The company is structured to handle the growth that is present in their target markets and supported by their large key accounts.”

“Autoware always appreciates that the audit not only validates that our processes are CSIA compliant but is an opportunity to improve as a company 360 degrees. Exotek’s deep and rare knowledge of the SI business brings significant value and the ability to learn from the best,” explained Luigi De Bernardini, CEO. “Certification forces us not to lose attention on any critical aspect of our business by stopping our daily routine and assess our need for improvements. By engaging our leaders, they can grow by sharing their experience with Exotek and receiving feedback and advice.”

About Autoware

Autoware was founded in 1996 to develop highly professional production management systems with high-quality consultancy services. We avail ourselves of a team of highly specialized technicians whose target is complete customer satisfaction achieved through customized quality services in Italy, Europe, and Worldwide. Autoware has been, from the beginning, an essential partner of many global companies in developing state-of-the-art solutions for process control, production management, and logistics. We have been an associate member of CSIA since 2008 and have been certified since 2014.

April 21, 2023
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